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Set up a Development Chain

This section runs you through the process of setting up a local Hydration chain instance for development.

01 Install dependencies

To prepare a local Hydration chain instance for development, your machine needs to cover all dependencies for running a Substrate chain. You will need to install a Rust developer environment and make sure that it is configured properly for compiling Substrate runtime code to the WebAssembly (Wasm) target.

You can install and configure all dependencies manually following the Substrate guide, or you could let this script do all the work for you:

$ curl -sSf | bash -s -- --fast
$ source ~/.cargo/env

02 Build

Build the Wasm and native execution environments:

# Fetch source of the latest stable release
$ git clone -b stable

# Build the binary
$ cd HydraDX-node/
$ cargo build --release

You should be able to find the build under ./target/release/hydra-dx.

03 Run

Before running your build you can purge any existing development chains on your machine (you will need to do this often in the development process):

$ ./target/release/hydra-dx purge-chain --dev

Run your build using one of the following commands:

$ ./target/release/hydra-dx --dev

# Run with detailed logging
$ RUST_LOG=debug RUST_BACKTRACE=1 ./target/release/hydra-dx -lruntime=debug --dev

04 Connect to your local chain instance

You can connect to your Hydration development node using Polkadot/apps and changing network to Development. You can also use this link:

connect to node