📄️ Stake HDX
Staking allows users to stake their HDX tokens and earn rewards which vest over time. This page contains a step-by-step guide on how to stake your HDX. Before proceeding, we recommend that you get familiar with the basics of HDX staking.
📄️ Earn With Referrals
Hydration is running a Referrals Program which aims to create sustainable long-term incentives to help onboard users to Hydration. Anyone can participate and start earning referral rewards by registering their unique referral code:
📄️ OpenGov (Democracy)
📄️ Referenda (old)
This page relates to the old governance system (Gov v1) which has been replaced by OpenGov.
📄️ Request a Treasury Tip
This page relates to the old governance system (Gov v1) which has been replaced by OpenGov.
📄️ Contribute to Hydration
Hydration welcomes various contributions which are in the interest of the Protocol. Such activities are incentivized with the help of rewards from the Hydration Treasury.
📄️ Claim your HDX
You can claim your HDX with the xHDX tokens (ERC-20) that you have obtained in the period when our Balancer LBP was live.
📄️ HydraDX Crowdloan
This page has been archived, meaning that the information it contains may be outdated or no longer applicable.